How You Choose the Great Catchy Headline For Your Site Posts

How You Choose the Right Catchy Headline For Your Site Posts


How to write catchy headlines

Too often the headline is the most neglected part of writing an article. People just gloss over it without taking much time to consider it. In their minds, it’s the cherry on top. No, friends; it’s not. The headline is the sundae.

I sometimes deliberate over titles for 30–60 minutes before settling on one that works. And I often go back and change them. This is what it takes to write a good headline.

If you need some help concocting catchier headlines, here are a few simple tricks (you can also watch me walk you through this in the free video and checklist.that accompanies this post).

Use numbers

There’s a reason why so many copywriters use numbers in their headlines. It works.

Do an experiment: Go to the grocery store, and scan the magazines in the checkout lane. Look at the front-page article headlines. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fitness magazine or a tabloid; many of them will be using numerals to start off the headline.

There aren’t really any rules (as far as I know) regarding what numbers work best, but people typically only remember three to five points. That said, sometimes a really obscure number like 19 or 37 can catch people’s attention.

Use interesting adjectives

Here are some examples:

  1. Effortless
  2. Painstaking
  3. Fun
  4. Free
  5. Incredible
  6. Essential
  7. Absolute
  8. Strange

Use unique rationale

If you’re going to do a list post, be original. For example consider the following:

  1. Reasons
  2. Principles
  3. Facts
  4. Lessons
  5. Ideas
  6. Ways
  7. Secrets
  8. Tricks
If possible, never use things. Please, for the love of Pete, don’t use things. You can do better than that.

Use what, why, how, or when

These are trigger words. I typically use “why” and “how” the most, because I’m often trying to persuade or enable someone. Typically, you’ll use either a trigger word or a number. Rarely does it sound good to do both.

Make an audacious promise

Promise your reader something valuable. Will you teach her how to learn a new skill? Will you persuade her to do something she’s never done before? Will you unlock an ancient mystery?

What you want to do is dare your reader to read the article. Without over-promising, be bold. Be seductive (in the most innocuous way possible, of course). Be dangerous. And then deliver what you promised.

Try this formula

Here’s a simple headline-writing formula:

Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

Example: Take the subject “bathing elephants.” You could write an article entitled, “How to Bath an Elephant” or “Why I Love Bathing Elephants.”

Or you could apply this formula and make it: “18 Unbelievable Ways You Can Bathe an Elephant Indoors”

Another (more serious) example: Take a bold promise like “selling your house in a day.”

Apply the formula and you get: “How You Can Effortlessly Sell Your Home in Less than 24 Hours”

People don’t want to be tricked into reading something boring; they want to be drawn into something exciting. Make it worth their while.

Take extra long time to consider what headline will grab people’s attention the most, and make sure that it describes your content in an honest, but attractive, way. They won’t regret it, and neither will you.

Important And Unknown SEO Elements for Your Blogger Posts

Important And Unknown SEO Elements for Your Blogger Posts


   1- Post Title

A good post title makes your post different from others. Post titles change the density of your posts. Search Engines, RSS feed, archive pages etc. these are the places where your post title appears. The main purpose of a title is to grab attention and entice people to start reading your post. So, make sure that your title is clear, contains all important keywords and makes a perfect sense. 

  2- Post URL

Just like Post Title, Post URL is also an important SEO factor for your posts. Every blog post has its own URL. A perfect URL is necessary to easily get indexed by search engines for their search results. It is important that your URL's are understandable by search engines. Wordpress, blogger and other top platforms uses your post title in your URL, which is really handy.

  3- Image Alt Tags

n Alt tag is actually a HTML attribute which defines an image. Without an Alt tag search engines have no idea about your image. Without an Alt tag your image will not be visible to search engines. Search engines use robots that cannot read an image/video. Therefore, by adding an alt tag we give them ability to understand that image. So its important to add alt tags to your post images

4- Headings

Just like all above factors, headings also has an important role in your posts SEO. Headings are used to represent different sections of your content and it has a great impact on both the SEO and usability of your site. So, using heading in your posts is good for SEO.

From Editors Desk

By keeping some important SEO factors in mind while writing posts and can start a successful career in blogging. We hope this article may have helped you in learning some important SEO element for posts. Share this article with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us. Good Luck!

How To Disable Right Click on Your Blog

How To Disable Right Click on Your Blog

You can disable text and Image selection from your blog. This, to an extent, prevent copy pasting of your content. People usually select text, right click and copy it and paste it on their blog. This is how content thieves copy content from other blogs. We can’t completely stop them but we can make it harder for them. If we disable right click on our blog, we can protect our content from plagiarism. Let see, how to do that.

To prevent text selection:

  1. Go to Blogger dashboard > Layout
  2. Click on Add a gadget and select HTML/JavaScript gadget.
  3. Paste the below code inside that
<!–BTT Code –>
<script language=’JavaScript1.2′>
function disableselect(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function (“return false”)
if (window.sidebar){

   4. Save the widget and you’re done.
Note : This process won’t allow anyone to highlight text or images on your blog and prevent copy pasting.

How to Improve Your Blogger Post Image Quality?

How to Improve Your Blogger Post Image Quality?

Today I bring a trick for bloggers to improve the image quality in their blog posts. I am not talking about optimizing the images, but I am talking about the quality of the images which normally distort after uploading the pictures in blog posts. Blogger’s image uploader never shows up the image in its original size we wanted it to be. And if we try to resize it, then it lost their quality. I found a solution that will help you to maintain the quality of images you upload to our blog posts.

Let’s perform this trick practically. But before I start the tutorial, you may be interested to check a demo of the difference you can get after applying the trick on your blog.

Have you noticed the difference in both the images? This is what we normally face in blogger. So, it’s time to learn how we can improve image quality in blogger.

Improving Image Quality in Blogger Post

The reason of poor quality is high compression ratio which is used to create the thumbnail. Once we insert a picture in our blog post, we have several options to resize it like Small, Medium, Large, X-Large and Original Size. But I like to resize it manually in HTML. Follow below steps to improve quality of your images in blogger.

  1. Upload an image in blog post.
  2. Now switch the post editor view to HTML mode.
  3. Search for the image source code something like below.
src=”” height=”120″
width=”320″ />

    4. The above source code is the URL of a thumbnail and if we try to resize it, then it will lose its quality. To gain image quality back, simply delete s320/ from the image source code. Deleting this code will force the browser to display a scaled image with high definition.

    5. If you want to display image in its original size, then simply edit its height and width.

    6. That’s it.

why PPC is so important for CPC?

why PPC is so importan for CPC?

Pay Per Click and Cost Per Click advertising is the same thing. The basic concept is that you will pay to have your blog or website advertised on the search engines via a keyword search. So let’s say that you run a web site that has to do with weight loss. You aren’t getting the traffic that you want so you decide to invest in a PPC or CPC advertising campaign. You go to the AdWords website and you set up your account. Then you start to choose the keywords that are applicable to your website.

These could be “weight loss,” “weight loss strategies” and “weight loss programs.” Weight loss is a highly competitive niche so you are going to pay a lot per keyword. When you use this service you will have to pay a specified amount of money each time your advertisement is clicked on the ads page of the search engine.

How Google Plus Will Affect SEO

How Google Plus Will Affect SEO


Been on any web pages lately? Then there’s a good chance that you will find a +1 button on the website or blog, we put it on ours. Even if you don’t have a Google Plus account, you can still click on the +1 button to show that you like or approve of the page, blog, or message. Google is continuing to roll out these +1 buttons that will eventually be on a lot of websites.

How does this help SEO? By clicking on the +1 button, you’re telling Google that this web page is the very best for the keywords that you typed into the search engine. So let’s say you were searching for information on training a parrot. You type “how to train a “parrot” into the Google search engine, and you receive a ton of results.

You click on the link to the first search result, but found it wasn’t so helpful. You click on the link to the second search result, but it was not helpful either. You find that the third search result is the most helpful and has the information you need. You can then click the “+1” button, which tells Google that this particular search result is the best and is better than the first two search results. Google will then be able to take that into consideration for the next time those keywords are entered.

This is fantastic news for anyone who isn’t an SEO spammer. This is an important way for Google to ensure that when you enter in a keyword, you aren’t just getting garbage results; you’re receiving useful information that you need. The +1 button will give your website or blog credibility since it’s telling Google, as well as others on the internet, that this person (you) is a pro and really knows their stuff!

The Features Of Google Plus

The Features Of Google Plus

The-Features-Of -Google-Plus

Google’s +1 feature is the equivalent of Facebook’s “like” feature. Most people think that this is simply a way to express their opinion and show that they do, in fact, “like” the posting, but the real intention behind this on Facebook was to track just what sort of posts were successful and which weren’t, and then improve their viral marketing campaigns.

The Google +1 feature is an effective way for Google to improve and tweak their inquiry results because they want to know what people like. This is a way for Google to help improve their search results, which will further help Google improve and tweak page and website rankings.